Getting Started: Establishing Your School’s Emergent Bilingual Leadership Team
Teaching emergent bilinguals requires sustained commitment and leadership. Building your school’s capacity to address the needs of this diverse population starts with bringing together a core group of passionate educators and administrators — an Emergent Bilingual Leadership Team (EBLT). This team sets the school’s agenda and problem-solves around challenges all with an eye towards enhancing the multilingual ecology of the school, and using students’ bilingualism as a resource for learning.

Materials in this section guide school staff to establish their teams, and to begin setting goals to enhance their programs, curriculum, instruction, and environment.
- In the following PowerPoint presentation, Kate Menken (Co-Principal Investigator) presents some tips for building a strong emergent bilingual leadership team. Fall 2015 – Leadership Seminar 1 – Considerations for Emergent Bilinguals Leadership Team – Menken
This tool can be used by principals and members of the Emergent Bilingual Leadership Team (EBLT) as they develop a plan to better the education of the school’s emergent bilingual students. These documents can serve a starting point for discussion and planning. The contents of this packet are not necessarily intended to be used in the order presented, nor are schools expected to use every item. We encourage teams to consult those sections which will most address the school’s needs.
CUNY-NYSIEB Emergent Bilinguals Leadership Team Resource Package 2015-2016
CUNY-NYSIEB Emergent Bilinguals Leadership Team Resource Packet – 2015-2016
Our leadership seminars lie at the heart of the leadership component of our project. This professional development curriculum guide includes participant agendas, facilitator agendas, PowerPoint slides, and the worksheets needed for all five sessions.